Blog | Inspiration

Learning Something New

Where can life take you if you learn something new?

To live

For a long time, I didn’t want to learn anything new.  I was so exhausted with my daily life that the thought of learning something new seemed out of the question.  I wanted to be lazy on my downtime, not doing more stuff.

My life finally got to a point that it was boring.  I am not saying it is really exciting now but at least now I have an outlet that keeps me going.  I started blogging.  What?  Blogging?  Spending your time writing to the world.  Well, hopefully to the world but YES!  This was mainly to be a creative outlet. I ain’t gonna lie, I also want to make some money on the side.  I had plenty of excuses but finally got my blog going.  This was not as easy as you think but it was worth it.

The writing part of a blog doesn’t seem to be the hard part.  The hardest part is deciding what are you going to blog about so you don’t bore everyone else.  I have so many ideas in my mind.  It is crazy.  I actually have to write them down and plan out my blog.  This from a woman that didn’t have a creative bone or thought in her body but it started to come through.  I was taking every free class I could get my hands on until I learned who I needed to be going to and what paid classes I needed to take.  Yeah, you have to pay a little to learn.  Usually, you learn a lot more than you thought you would.

As an added bonus, I learned about websites and all kinds of things that no one tells you that you need to learn when you start blogging.  It is worth it.  I once heard that if you do something you love then you want to do nothing else and it is not like work.  They saying goes something like that.

I feel like a kid again.  I have a new chapter in my life.  If you would have told me this five years ago, I would have told you that you are crazy.  That nothing is going to change and there is nothing else for me to learn.  Boy, was I wrong. I still have a very long way to go but the fact of the matter is that I am on my own path.  I am not sure if there really is a destination but I am going to enjoy the journey.  (I’m sure you heard a saying something like that..right?)  This is liberating and freeing.  I am finally living and I am loving it.

What should you do?

Get up off the couch.  If you are busy then slow down.  Start taking care of yourself and do something that makes you want to do each and every day.  Sometimes you just have to dig in and do what makes you happy.  It may be tough at first and it may even be an inconvenience learning, but once you do, you will be happy.  You can live your life how you want to live.   Now, go learn something new and start just living the dream.

Here’s to blogging and to you finding something new for you to learn!

blogging success


Until next time,



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  1. I bought the 8 inch skillet you used for cooking your scrambled eggs. Its perfect.. I would give it a 5*. It looks and feels like it will last forever. It is made very well.. I love your blog. Keep up the good work!

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