4 pound whole chicken
2 Carrots – sliced
2 Celery Ribs – sliced
1 Large Onion – diced
2 Bay Leaves
4 Tablespoons of flour
Salt and Pepper
2 Cups all-purpose flour
3 Teaspoons of baking powder
1 Teaspoon salt
1/2 Cup sour cream
1/2 Cup milk
2 Eggs
In a large Dutch Oven, add a whole chicken.
Add carrots, celery, onion, bay leaves and enough water to almost cover the chicken.
Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer until tender, about one hour.
After chicken is tender, remove chicken and allow to cool.
In a small bowl, add one cup of water and 4 tablespoons of flour. Stir until smooth. This will be thick and will thicken the stock. Add to liquid.
Stir and add more salt and pepper to taste.
After chicken has cooled. Pull chicken apart and add chicken back to the liquid stock.
Time to make dumplings.
Add all dry ingredients together. Flour, baking powder and salt and mix
In a separate bowl, mix all wet ingredients. Slightly beaten eggs, sour cream and milk.
Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix together. Do not over mix.
***NOTE – If using self-rising flour, omit the baking powder.
Get two spoons and drop mixture into the liquid stock. They will float on top. Add more salt and pepper.
Cover for 10 to 15 minutes.
All done. Enjoy!
Find it online: https://thekindredway.com/test/chicken-and-dumplings/