Makeover Your Entryway for $0
I made over my entire entryway for FREE!

Your entryway is the first impression of what people think of your house and of you. Make it look nice. I did my entryway makeover for $0.
I had an awesome entryway before Hurricane Harvey. It was a gallery wall. Full of pictures. I loved how it looked. There was a small table and pictures all on the wall.
Once the hurricane came and flooded our house, the little table ended up being in flood and thrown to the curb. All of the pictures were taken down as the bottom four feet of sheetrock had to be removed. The mirror on the wall was removed, broken and then thrown away as well.
I wish I had a better picture of the entryway before Hurricane Harvey but unfortunately, I do not.
Now it was time to rebuild. The sheetrock was hung and the wall painted. The original wall was Benjamin Moore’s Chelsea Gray (HC-168). I loved this dark grey. Since we were starting over, the color changed to brown. I chose Sherwin Williams Song Thrush (SW 9112).
How do you makeover your flooded entryway with no money? First, you get a piece of furniture. I didn’t have another little table so I used a tall buffet. Yes, a tall buffet. My mother had it at her house forever and I brought it home. I already have everything I need in my dining room so there was no room for it there. I put it in the entryway.
I don’t believe in rules when it comes to decorating. Not everyone may like that fact or my style even, but I don’t care. I like my way!
I put this buffet in the entryway and found a smaller mirror that used to be in a bathroom. Next, it was time to gather photos. I used some photos that were hung there before and then added some others that were still in boxes. Most of the frames don’t match. That’s okay. No rules, remember?
I also had a very tall lamp that was originally on the buffet. I still wanted to use it but I didn’t want the lamp to cover my photos. I found another table that was next to my couch and moved it next to the buffet. There went the lamp.
All furniture, photos, lamp, mirror, and other accessories were furnishings that I already owned. I did not spend any money on this makeover and I consider this the best kind of makeover. My advice is to make your own rules and find your own style. Find a piece of furniture you like. Get your favorite photos even if the frames don’t match. Add a lamp or a plant or anything other types of accessory you have around the house. No matter what you choose, I know it will be something you love.
Here is a list of what you will need:
Find a piece of furniture from around the house. It can be anything that will fit in your entryway.
Get a mirror. It can be any size.
Gather all your favorite portraits.
Now hang the mirror and add all the photos around the mirror. The photos can go as high and as wide as you want. Add a plant if you want. Make it your own.
Let me know how it turns out.
The doggie in the picture is Domino. He is a Catahoula Hound dog.
Until next time,
Come redo my entryway. I live in woodway/Waco, Tx
Hurricane Beta !!!! How are you doing? How high is the water level? Worried about you and your family. Please keep your readers informed about your water situation . Please start writing ✍️ everyday. I know your readers love hearing about your life. Dannille